mom and her music

02_Jeji Shergill mom and her music.jpg
  • mom and her music

  • Artist: Rajee PaƱa Jeji Shergill
  • Year: 2016
  • Duration: 14:56
  • Country: Canada
  • The experimental documentary mom and her music explores the singing and songwriting of Rose Paña Jeji Shergill, the filmmaker’s mother. A candid 2008 phone interview with Rose, about her music making and life in the Philippines and Canada, is interwoven with original songs that Rose performed and recorded herself on old cassette tapes in the mid-2000s, home movie footage spanning over 30 years, as well as other images of personal and familial iconography. The video reveals the bond between a mother and her two daughters who have both moved away, and it highlights the therapeutic potential of song.

  • Accession #: 7020
  • Distribution Status: In Distribution
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