Towards the day... we are all free (textless version)

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  • Towards the day... we are all free (textless version)

  • Artist: Meg Torwl
  • Year: 2007
  • Duration: 90:00
  • Country: Canada
  • A feature documentary with Refugee and Aboriginal women and girls from Canadian First Nations, Iran, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bosnia, Vietnam, Guatemala, Uruguay, Aotearoa. Portrays their persecution, activism, journeys to and within Canada, through personal narrative, art, poetry, discussions and demonstrations. These are ordinary women who did extraordinary things, against all odds took matters into their own hands, changed their own lives, and the world. Their community activism and strategies for change, reflect a world of possibilities. Towards the day... we are all free explores how gender, class, race, nation of origin, language, religion, sexuality, disability, intersect in displaced women's lives, as they are affected by state and community persecution, racial profiling, 9/11.

  • Accession #: 2947B
  • Distribution Status: In Distribution
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