Voicing the Real

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  • Voicing the Real

  • Artist: Kathryn Weiler
  • Artist: Gail Novack
  • Year: 1999
  • Duration: 23:00
  • Country: Canada
  • VOICING THE REAL is about people and power. Violence and voice. A collage of sensation and experience, image and idea. VOICING THE REAL began with women gathering to explore how and why violence lives within and without. The video ended with a blend and voice - women, men, youth and children - talking abou the cult(ure) of violence, our toys, tablets, terrors, tears and truths, in different settings. Evoking depth of feeling without (re)traumatizing the viewer, VOICING THE REAL engages and challenges us gently and profoundly through an artistic esthetic of visuals and sound, body and heart. As a tool for reflection, transformation, and prevention, it encourages us to ask where we locate our power, whether we know our own voice, what choices we make for our lives. VOICING THE REAL was funded by the Ministry of Women s Equality and sponsored by the Nelson and District Community Resource Society.

  • Accession #: 2416
  • Distribution Status: In Distribution
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