This collection contains videos shared with Video Out/VIVO Media Arts, but not currently in distribution.
Videos include historic videos deposited by producers to the then physical tape library as well as current videos which are part of VIVO's archives/special collections section.
Some historic videos were shared with Video Out in the past for "in library use only", and others were once available for distribution. Today, in the digital era, they are primarily available by request for personal viewing/research.
Contact the archivist at to discuss the potential for licensing, streaming, and other forms of distribution.

Node: Titlesort iconText: Artist 1 (field_video_artist)Date: Year of Video: (field_date)
What Is Technology?Video Ring1973
Street ScenesSheila Smyth2025
InterviewsSheila Smyth2025
Tele-pharounRosemary Sullivan1973
Télé-farounRosemary Sullivan1973
Black Magic TheatreVideo West1972
Transient MenDiane Lemire1971
The Opening of The Thunder Bay Indian Friendship CentreLinda Johnson1972
Bal Anat DancersTrish Hardman1973
Junk SculptureMatthew Speier1972
God Save The HousesYork University1973
Peoples PlaygroupVenice Women s Film Collective1972
Liberation MediaWomen's Involvement Program1972
Sour Grapes: Patriarchal HeritageWomen s Involvement Program1972
Birth ControlFrancie Wyland1973
AbortionFrancie Wyland Women s Involvement Program1973
Ron Hays On Paik/abe SynthesizerRon Hays1972
Angela Davis - UCLA LectureLeni Goldberg1973
Quebec Ke Ce Ca #6Videographe1974
ExtraitsAtelier Video1971
Peanut DrivePatrick Drake1972
Carnegie Centre OpeningA. Krumins1980
Dave's PlanesVideo Grease1972
Glacier ProjectGan Matsushita1972
Women's Lib From SarahLeni Goldberg1972