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TitleDate of ProductionProducer(s)Accession NumberDescription
TitleYearProducersort iconDurationDistribution StatusAccession Number
Nancy Drew and the Mystery of the Haunted Body1999Marusya Bociurkiw45:00Special2479
Unspoken Territory2001Marusya Bociurkiw60:00In Distribution2760
To Tell Your Daughter1990Mary Alice10:00In Distribution1785
Five Thousand Years Of Good Advice1987Mary Ann Liu12:00In Distribution1496
Supercat1998Mary Cross3:00In Distribution2405
Video Dance Experiments1975Mary Sheridan30In Library Only383
Revival with Doreen Jensen1983Matrix Production29:00In Distribution1101
National Native Indian Artists Symposium1983Matrix Production60:00In Distribution1186
Junk Sculpture1972Matthew Speier21In Library Only0057b
Regina Fields1973Matthew Speier31In Library Only70
Lotus Eaters1973Matthew Speier33In Library Only76
Dance Solitaire / Body Parts1974Matthew Speier30In Library Only297
Something! Ah!1975Matthew Speier23In Library Only455
Paula Ross Dancers1974Matthew Speier25In Library Only474
Stranded2004Maureen Bradley3:56In Distribution2801
What Remains Human2005Maureen Bradley24:00In Distribution2882
We're Here- We're Queer- We're Fabulous1990Maureen Bradley27:00In Distribution1922
Queer Across Canada1993Maureen Bradley10:00In Distribution1966
She Thrills Me1993Maureen Bradley13:00In Distribution1970
Not Like That: Diary of a Butch-a-phobe1994Maureen Bradley13:15In Distribution2012
Defiance1993Maureen Bradley6:15In Distribution2013
Weight of Women's Eyes1994Maureen Bradley10:00In Distribution2001b
Losing It1995Maureen Bradley3:00In Distribution2160
Forever1996Maureen Bradley1:30In Distribution2184
Tainted: Christopher Lefler and the Queer Censorship Chill1996Maureen Bradley28:00In Distribution2219
Her1997Maureen Bradley10:00In Distribution2236
Maureen Bradley Compilation1995Maureen Bradley20In Library Only2256
What I Remember1998Maureen Bradley6:00In Distribution2287
Go Dyke! Go 1998Maureen Bradley10:00In Distribution2300
Erased1999Maureen Bradley15:00In Distribution2345
Reframing the Montreal Massacre1995Maureen Bradley27:00In Distribution2391
Safe Sex is Hot Sex1992Maureen Bradley4:30In Distribution2401
Maureen Bradley: Selected Works1999Maureen Bradley46:00In Library Only2404
Chosen Family2001Maureen Bradley13:00In Distribution2537
Untitled (MB)2001Maureen Bradley2:37In Distribution2566
You Fake2003Maureen Bradley6:13In Distribution2738
Frieda2007Maureen BradleyIn Library Only2971
Self Storage2007Maureen Bradley3:50In Distribution2972
Sisyphus (MB)2006Maureen Bradley1:30In Distribution2973
Stonecarver And His Craft1974Maureen Sager20In Library Only316
CY Smith- B. 1923-1982Maury Peterman58In Library Only1111
I'm Ready To Die Anytime Within 15 Minutes...are Y1983Maury Peterman15In Library Only1112
Four Imposters1983Maury Peterman21In Library Only1209a
D-day + 40 Years1984Maury Peterson28In Library Only1209b
Katy's Story1998Mayrs7:00In Distribution2419
Selbstmord im Knast ist Mord1977Medien Fuhlsbüttel60In Library Only788
Was Hat Es Uns Gebracht1975Medienpadogogik-Zentrum26In Library Only758
and Are You Not Willing- Then I'll Use Force1977Medienpedagogik-Zentrum28In Library Only726
Defend Yourselves1977Medienpedogogik-Zentrum40In Library Only727
European Fascist Meeting In West Germany1976Medienpedogogik-Zentrum60In Library Only832
Oregon Renaissance Faire1974Medium/Rare27In Library Only360
The Storm2006Meesoo Lee3:38In Distribution2888 A
Think2000Meesoo LeeIn Distribution2483
Dream of Donuts2000Meesoo LeeIn Distribution2485
Why I Hate Modern Dance2000Meesoo LeeIn Distribution2486
Antarctica2001Meesoo Lee47:00In Distribution2533
Bad Hair Day2001Meesoo Lee7:20In Distribution2549
Crushed2001Meesoo LeeIn Distribution2586
Pop Songs2002Meesoo Lee38:00In Distribution2660
2003 Meesoo Lee Compilation2025Meesoo Lee35:00In Distribution2726
You (you you you)2003Meesoo Lee7:21In Distribution2735 a
Sunshine2003Meesoo Lee3:58In Distribution2735 b
My Heart the Dancer2003Meesoo Lee2:40In Distribution2735 c
Nostalgia For Elevators2003Meesoo Lee33:00In Distribution2755
Automatic Music 2003Meesoo Lee3:45In Distribution2756 a
A Private Dance with Cyd Harlow2003Meesoo Lee25:00In Distribution2756b
More Than I Can Say2004Meesoo Lee6:40In Distribution2764
Serenade2001Meesoo Lee2:08In Distribution2726 E
Meesoo Lee 4 Videos2004Meesoo Lee20:00In Distribution2798A -D
Moonshot2004Meesoo Lee4:34In Distribution2798 A
SPACESHIP 20002004Meesoo Lee3:20In Distribution2798 B
A BOY NAMED SUE2004Meesoo Lee3:44In Distribution2798 C
A BAD HAIR DAY *RE-EDIT*2004Meesoo Lee7:20In Distribution2798 D
Young and Sexy 2004Meesoo Lee9:11In Distribution2818 A
Automatic Music re-edit2003Meesoo Lee3:36In Distribution2818 B
The Thoughts of Mary-Jane / Rock n Roll Fantasy2005Meesoo Lee4:18,In Distribution2823 A-B
The Thoughts of Mary Jane 2005Meesoo Lee4:18In Distribution2823 A
Rock n Roll Fantasy2005Meesoo Lee4:06In Distribution2823 B
Meesoo Lee Compilation2025meesoo leeIn Distribution2735
Elegy2006Meesoo Lee4:58In Distribution2888 B
bambi/colours2005Meesoo Lee4:35In Distribution2975
Act Your Age2009Meg Torwl42:00In Distribution2508
where have all the lesbians gone?2000Meg Torwl7:20In Distribution2517
Towards the day... we are all free2007Meg Torwl90:00In Distribution2947A
Towards the day... we are all free (textless version)2007Meg Torwl90:00In Distribution2947B
Dig- Dig- Dig1994Melanie Fei-Lin Boyle2:30In Distribution1979
One of Those Nights2003Melinda Johnston7:20In Distribution2732
Survival: Still The Issue1986Melodie Calvert25:00In Distribution1369
Trigger Finger1990Melodie Calvert16:00In Distribution1841a
Moment I Spoke1989Melodie Calvert6:00In Distribution1841b
Dirty Little Story1994Melodie Calvert20:00In Distribution1986
Spanking Marsha1996Melodie Calvert20:00In Distribution2180
Last Grave At Dimbaza1978Merena Films60In Library Only963
Hempster 001: DARE Remix1999Merry Wanna Man7:00In Distribution2386
Quackery Part 1: Medication1981Mervyn Brown29In Library Only1062
Quackery Part 2. Food: Use Or Abuse1982Mervyn Brown29In Library Only1063
Quackery Part 3: Mental Health1982Mervyn Brown30In Library Only1064
Behind The Scenes: Film Making1982Mervyn Brown29In Library Only1065
Behind The Scenes: Tv Production1982Mervyn Brown30In Library Only1066
Window1974Meryl Blackman6:00In Library Only0645a