Browse and search the videos in distribution with Video Out.
Title![]() | Producer | Year | Accession Number | Duration |
Stain | Rae Staseson | 1994 | 2226 | 4:00 |
Stand by Your Man | Minnie/Stefan St-Laurent | 1998 | 2314 | 10:45 |
Star | Marlene Madison | 2002 | 2714c | 15:00 |
Star Trek: Disco Generation | Gordon Wong | 1997 | 2260 | 5:00 |
Star Trek: Generation Spice | Gordon Wong | 1998 | 2289 | 5:00 |
Starling Man | Cornelia Wyngaarden | 1982 | 1099 | 8:00 |
States Of Being | Joyan Saunders | 1981 | 0950e | 4:00 |
Static | Nikki Forrest | 1995 | 2165 | 7:00 |
Steel And Flesh | Eric Metcalfe | 1980 | 1210b | 12:00 |
Stickshaker | Mark Verabioff | 1987 | 1473 | 4:20 |
Stiff Sheets | John Goss | 1989 | 1615 | 19:00 |
Still Lives (In the Americas) | Ho Tam | 2003 | 2752 | 20:00 |
Stone Show | Zachery Longboy | 1999 | 2697 | 8:53 |
Stop Staring and Listen | Catherine McCollum | 1999 | 2399 | 13:43 |
Stories from the Front (and Back) A True Blue Romance | Vera Frenkel | 1981 | 992 | 61:00 |
Story Of Feniks And Abdullah | Luc Bourdon | 1988 | 1543 | 18:00 |
Story of Red | Rodney Werden | 1984 | 1444 | 15:00 |
Story To Tell You | Eva Manly | 1990 | 1806 | 45:00 |
Straight Jacket | Kate Craig | 1980 | 1006 | 7:00 |
Straight Talk: Interviews With Women Of Colour | Nicole Thompson | 1990 | 1787 | 31:00 |
Straightening Out the Gay | Lisa G | 2004 | 2776 a | 11:00 |
Stranded | Maureen Bradley | 2004 | 2801 | 3:56 |
Strange Fascinations | Jorge Lozano | 1981 | 1007a | 26:00 |
Strangest Dream | Laura Lamb | 1986 | 1480 | 12 |
Stuart Pound 2006-7 | Stuart Pound | 2007 | 2928 a-f | |
Stuart Pound Compilation DVD | Stuart Pound | 2005 | 2864-2869 | 40:35 |
Subject In Progress | Susan Harman | 1992 | 1831 | 4:00 |
Subkonscio Redukta Tricikla | Clark Nikolai | 1998 | 2258b | 31:00 |
Subtle Architectures | Emma Howes | 2007 | 2964 | 8:50 |
Subway Loop (installation) | Paul Wong | 1975 | 1079 | 11:00 |
Success (aka Hack) | Kiley Fithen | 2003 | 2768 c | loop |
Sudz | Teri Chmilar | 1982 | 1011 | 33 |
Sugar Daddy | Ardele Lister | 1980 | 915 | 31 |
Summer 86: A Neighbourhood Notebook | Edward Hillel | 1987 | 1543d | 29 |
Sunnybrook | Lorna Boschman | 1995 | 2173 | 45:00 |
Sunshine | Meesoo Lee | 2003 | 2735 b | 3:58 |
Supercat | Mary Cross | 1998 | 2405 | 3:00 |
SuPORNNatural | Sacha Fink | 2007 | 2955 | 4:00 |
Support Modeling (installation) | Paul Wong | 1977 | 1076 | 5:00 |
supra-national prayer wheel | Nikola Marin | 2004 | 2809 | 2:45 |
Sure- I'm Fine! | Alex Young Hwa Cho | 2004 | 2919 | 16:00 |
Surfer Dick | Wayne Yung | 1997 | 2230 | 3:20 |
Survival: Still The Issue | Melodie Calvert | 1986 | 1369 | 25:00 |
Suspects (Performance for the Police) | Artspeak Gallery | 2001 | 2564 | 26:38 |
Swallow | Elisabeth Subrin | 1995 | 2195 | 30:00 |
Sweet Heat | Anthony Chan | 1998 | 2320 | 28:40 |
Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup | Laurie McDonald | 1980 | 1094 | 27:00 |
Swing | Laurel Swenson | 2002 | 2607 | 4:14 |
Sybaris | Nina Skogster | 1987 | 1519 | 16:00 |
Syntax Errors | Artspeak Gallery | 2002 | 2642-2643 | 3:13: |
Syntaxerrors 01: Acting out- Play-Doh* and Doubt: a personalized history of performative lecturing | Artspeak Gallery | 2002 | 2642-2643 | 52:33 |
Syntaxerrors 02: The honey's not far from the sting | Artspeak Gallery | 2002 | 2642-2643 | 1:20:00 |
Syntaxerrors 03: Counter-Interpellation | Artspeak Gallery | 2002 | 2642-2643 | 50:33 |
Systeme Des Beaux-Arts | Daniel Dion | 1981 | 1013a | 9:00 |
T L C | Elizabeth Vander Zaag | 1985 | 1306 | 4:20 |
T.V. Tart | Barbara Hammer | 1988 | 1821 | 10:00 |
Tainted: Christopher Lefler and the Queer Censorship Chill | Maureen Bradley | 1996 | 2219 | 28:00 |
Take Back the Land - Spirit Lake | Nitanis Desjarlais | 2002 | 2657 | 28:00 |
Talkin' Bout Droppin' Out | Teenvision Posse | 1989 | 1824c | 46:00 |
Tba Tv Welcome To Tba Tv: K.k. Klose-up | Ken Kuramoto | 1980 | 1396a | 19 |
Teach Me | Akram Zaatari | 1996 | 2262a | 6:00 |
Tear-Jerker | Rick Phillips | 1993 | 2009b | 4:00 |
Technology and Nature | Hank Bull | 1994 | 2387 | 8:00 |
Technology Knows No Sacred Cows | Cornelia Wyngaarden | 1984 | 1228 | 3:30 |
Tee Hee Hee | Ling Chiu | 1994 | 2008a | 4:00 |
Tekhn | Remi Lacoste | 1999 | 2473 | 45:00 |
Tell Me Why: The Epistemology of Disco | John Di Stefano | 1991 | 1932 | 23:00 |
Telling Tales | Elizabeth Chitty | 1979 | 857 | 26:30 |
Temple Of My Familiar | Paul Wong | 1995 | 2187 | 20:00 |
Temporal Transmissions | Alternator Gallery | 2005 | 2857 | 57:00 |
Ten Dollars or Nothing | Sara Diamond | 1989 | 1680a | 12:00 |
Ten Skakel (My Baby) | Cease Wyss | 1995 | 2141 | 25:00 |
Terminal | Miriam Needoba | 2005 | 2966a | 3:00 |
Terminal City | Earl Moloney (Karen Earl) | 2007 | 3014 | 9:00 |
Terminal City Dance....At Work | Michael Goldberg | 1981 | 904 | 60:00 |
Terms of Engagement: Documentation | Ken Anderlini | 1995 | 7023 | |
Terra | Carole Beaulieu | 1994 | 1976 | 7:30 |
Thank You Kate Bornstein | Mark Kenneth Woods | 2000 | 2742 | 3:20 |
That's It- Forget It | Branda Miller | 1985 | 1825b | 4:00 |
Thaumatrope | Clark Nikolai | 1991 | 2257f | 8:13 |
The Agony and the Ecstasy | John Mitchell | 1976 | 0672a | 8:00 |
The Bell | Donna Szoke | 2006 | 2895 c | 2:45 |
The Birthday Party | Gwen Groening | 2004 | 2790 | 9:25 |
The Buck Stops Here | BC Coalition of the Disabled | 2018 | 2025 | 17 |
The Calling | Nguyen Tan Hoang | 2000 | 2690x | 8:00 |
The Class From 9 to 5 | Nimi Langer | 2005 | 2850 | 12:50 |
The Cornman Commeth | Velveeta Krisp | 2000 | 2505 | 4:30 |
The Evil Villain | Brian MacDonald | 2004 | 2767 D | 2:15 |
The Fish In The Machine #3 | Stuart Pound | 2005 | 2868 | 8:11 |
The Hill | Dana Claxton | 2004 | 2779 | 3:49 |
The Kiss and Other Movements | Nickolaos Stagias | 2003 | 2711 | 16:00 |
The Language of Mosaic | Lisa G | 2003 | 2721a | 5:40 |
The Legend of Buck Kelly | Peggy Anne Berton | 2006 | 2902 | 72:00 |
The Loop | Ho Tam | 2001 | 2621d | 14:00 |
The Love That Won't Shut Up | Ivan E. Coyote | 2007 | 2985 | 21:00 |
The Man From Venus | James Diamond | 1999 | 2407 | 3:40 |
The Man From Venus/ Mars Womb Man | James Diamond | 2006 | 2905 | 13:40 |
The Merry Sea-Gentleman and the Cod Fisher's Voyage Below | Sam Scott | 2006 | 2948 | 6:25 |
The Moon's Pyramid | Venus Soberanes | 2003 | 2915 | 8:30 |
The Negotiating Table | Mona Hatoum | 1983 | 1792 | 20:00 |