This collection contains videos shared with Video Out/VIVO Media Arts, but not currently in distribution.
Videos include historic videos deposited by producers to the then physical tape library as well as current videos which are part of VIVO's archives/special collections section.
Some historic videos were shared with Video Out in the past for "in library use only", and others were once available for distribution. Today, in the digital era, they are primarily available by request for personal viewing/research.
Contact the archivist at to discuss the potential for licensing, streaming, and other forms of distribution.

Node: TitleText: Artist 1 (field_video_artist)Date: Year of Video: (field_date)sort icon
Poly-fillaKen Kuramoto1980
You're Just Like a Time MachineKen Kuramoto1980
Alas- "We Have Not Come A Long Way- Babies"Reel Feelings Media1971
Choice IssuePat Feindel1979
Vancouver Womens' MovementPat Feindel1980
Vital Statistics of a Citizen, Simply ObtainedMartha Rosler1977
The East Is Red, The West Is BendingMartha Rosler1977
Losing: A Conversation with the ParentsMartha Rosler1977
Zagreb SamplerSanja Ivekovik1976
Downtown East: Beauty Or Beast?Leslie Dyson1980
Buried Artist EventJohn A. Stascak1972
Renaissance Fair 1979Andrew Krumins1979
Middleclass MarriageHank Bull1979
Nuclear Regulatory CommissionVideo Farm1980
InterviewDaniel Dion1979
UrgenceDaniel Guimond1979
Diviate UnitDaniel Dion1979
Soft PalletWoodland Video1979
ChuteWoodland Video1979
Script (Abe's)Paul Wong1980
Satellite Video Exchange SamplerVideo Inn2024
Ars Gratis ArtisRandy and Berenicci1979
Mondo Arte CabaretHank Bull1979
Year Zero The Silent Death Of CambodiaJohn Pilger1979
Defending The MotherlandLily Eng1979