This collection contains videos shared with Video Out/VIVO Media Arts, but not currently in distribution.
Videos include historic videos deposited by producers to the then physical tape library as well as current videos which are part of VIVO's archives/special collections section.
Some historic videos were shared with Video Out in the past for "in library use only", and others were once available for distribution. Today, in the digital era, they are primarily available by request for personal viewing/research.
Contact the archivist at to discuss the potential for licensing, streaming, and other forms of distribution.

Node: Titlesort iconText: Artist 1 (field_video_artist)Date: Year of Video: (field_date)
What Do You Want To See The Harbour For- Anyway?Community Planning Assn of Canada1975
Video This: Eomor (vol.1 No.1)Steven Dilkus1973
Pier Group Mural CompanyArdelle Lister1974
Image Bank Colour ResearchByron Black1974
Evening With Figtree And Soupe Esqrs.Trish Hardman1973
Marshall Mcluhan's Memorial MusicClive Robertson1975
RapeWomen Alive- Cable 101974
Little Fairy Hill,<br>Big Fairy HillK. Kay1973
Adventures Of The Amazing XDana Atchley1974
Conspiration Des Lampadaires [2/2]Richard Boutet1974
Conspiration Des Lampadaires [1/2]Richard Boutet1974
Gladys- A Queen In Exile [2/2]N.Bethune Levine1975
Gladys- A Queen In Exile [1/2]N.Bethune Levine1975
Petit Prince [2/2]Yves Trepanier2025
Petit Prince [1/2]Yves Trepanier2025
Stonecarver And His CraftMaureen Sager1974
Rosehill Harvest FaireBruce Whibley1974
Travellin&#39; FaireTrish Grossuti1975
Shoecraft-herbicidesCampbell River TV Association1973
Haida Dancing [2/2]Charles Natkong Sr.2016
Haida Dancing [1/2]Charles Naktong Sr.2016
Sculpture-dance GardenMichael Goldberg1974
Statics Of An EggFujiko Nakaya1975
We Apologize For The DelayRick Holyoke1974
C&#39;est Tout Pour Nous Et VousCents Fleurs1977