Browse and search the videos available for personal/research viewing("in library only") from the library as well as the videos in the special collections of VIVO. Videos are available for research, personal viewing, and possibly distribution on a case by case and video by video basis. Please contact the library and archives at to make a request and to discuss further.

Many historic "in library only" videos were deposited by a mixture of producers and community members to be shared with library users, rather than distributed. Others were intended to be both distributed and available for library viewing at VIVO. Special collections videos have often been donated as sets by their creators, see the archives website for more information.

TitleDescriptionDate of ProductionProducer(s)Country of ProductionAccesion Number
TitleProducerDate of Productionsort icon
Food For ThoughtDallas Selman1974
Tribal VisionSimon Riley1974
Five Unrelated Notebook TapesIrvin Tepper1974
Miss General IdeaWestern Front Video1974
Deccadance ExhibitHank Bull1974
Pass- Freak CreekJim Lipkovits1974
March Of Time And SpaceByron Black1974
Life Rhythm #2Crista Dahl1974
Frauen PowerT.V.Ideo1974
Canadian GypsumVidéographe1974
Crtc Interventions For Television CommunitaireVideographe1974
Food Co-op [1/2]Metro Media1974
Food Co-op [2/2]Metro Media1974
Bert JanschDorrit Sorenson1974
GretchenShawn Preus1974
In The Event Anyone DisappearsVideographe1974
Interaction SamplerPhil Shingler1974
Mummenschanz - Swiss MimeArthur Shatman1974
Les p'tits nègres de la Great Lakes [1/2]Pierre Joyal1974
Les p'tits nègres de la Great Lakes [2/2]Pierre Joyal1974
Ce Soir On Improvise [1/2]Raymond Gervais1974
Pour Faire Changement [1/2]Tahany Rashed1974
Pour Faire Changement [2/2]Tahany Rashed1974
Une St-Jean "sans commentaire"Michel Dion1974
North Of The North PoleKaryn Zajac1974
The Sea's ChildrenElizabeth Walker1974
Whales: Dr. Paul SpongSheila Smyth1974
Johnny VideotapeJohnny Videotape1974
Gay Alliance MeetingMetro Media1974
Metro Media Sampler 1974Metro Media1974
Experimental Video Art #1Ron Lazlock1974
Experimental Video Art #2Ron Lazlock1974
Experimental Video Art #3Ron Lazlock1974
Law And How It Works: Buying A HouseUniversity Of Windsor1974
Law And How It Works: Impaired DrivingUniversity Of Windsor1974
Vancouver Indian War Dance Club [1/2]VIWDC1974
Vancouver Indian War Dance Club [2/2]VIWDC1974
Instant DeathAce Space Company1974
Randy RealityGerry Gilbert1974
William Burroughs ReadingPaul Wong1974
Funny MoneyRichard Ward1974
Electing Community Resources BoardsDave Morgan1974
Artists of the Kootenays - Alex Kowalski: BatikMike McMann1974
Insights Into AlcoholismBud Godderis1974
Faces Of SummerMike McMann1974
Four Feats And Three OthersCordell Wynne1974
Dance Solitaire / Body PartsMatthew Speier1974
An AlternativeMike McMann1974
Evel Knieval SpoofGary Greenspoon1974
Pacific Reach: Paul SpongTom Shandel1974
By CourierGary Greenspoon1974
Live Lice Clive Robertson1974
We Apologize For The DelayRick Holyoke1974
Sculpture-dance GardenMichael Goldberg1974
Rosehill Harvest FaireBruce Whibley1974
Stonecarver And His CraftMaureen Sager1974
Conspiration Des Lampadaires [1/2]Richard Boutet1974
Conspiration Des Lampadaires [2/2]Richard Boutet1974
Adventures Of The Amazing XDana Atchley1974
RapeWomen Alive- Cable 101974
Image Bank Colour ResearchByron Black1974
Pier Group Mural CompanyArdelle Lister1974
Common SenseCoos County TV1974
Doing The Offset RagThe Media Project1974
East Plus/minus West = MusicMyron Chan1974
Dr. Morgentaler SpeaksWoman Alive1974
Vonne Griffin #1Steve Olin1974
Birth Of LudiLiz Grumette1974
Point 2Jean Pierre Poirier1974
B.C. Video ArtistsRichard Ward1974
Seventy-five Sense: Tv Town Hall [1/2]Coos County TV1974
Seventy-five Sense: Tv Town Hall [2/2]Coos County TV1974
Oregon Renaissance FaireMedium/Rare1974
Women Of ErinCaroline Hatch1974
Willie P. BennettThe Video Centre1974
Video Archives Intro/ Klas VerboomThe Video Centre1974
Christopher Gosson/peter BorowskyThe Video Centre1974
Red MountainSky Kahli1974
Twenty YearsSakumi Hagiwara1974
Kick The World/zoom Shot/video PortKobuhiro Kawanaka1974
Chinese Buddha Sutras #1Jack Buchans1974
Chinese Buddha Sutra #2Jack Buchans1974
Why Build An Organization?Gwen Bassen1974
Getting Better PublicityGwen Bassen1974
Grape Boycott [1/2]Trinity Square Video1974
Grape Boycott [2/2]Trinity Square Video1974
Margo St.james: ProstituteRick Holyoke1974
Prostitution Debate [1/2]Rick Holyoke1974
Prostitution Debate [2/2]Rick Holyoke1974
Sex Issues on Trial: Dr. Morgentaler (Part 1 of 2)Rick Holyoke1974
Divinity Of Sex: Sex Issues On TrialRick Holyoke1974
Sol Gordon - Sex Issues On TrialRick Holyoke1974
Sexual Dysfunction: Sex Issues On TrialRick Holyoke1974
Homosexuality: Sex Issues On TrialRick Holyoke1974
He- She And It Works [1/3]Carol Itter1974
He- She And It Works [2/3]Carol Itter1974
He- She And It Works [3/3]Carol Itter1974
Who Needs Daycare?Audrey Bryant1974
White Roots Of PeaceNational Film Board1974
Industrial Discipline And HierarchyRed River Community College1974