Video Out collection, listed by most recent date of acquisition. To search for a specific title, please go to Search Catalogue. 

TitleArtistDurationYearCountryAcc. #
Antarctica Meesoo Lee 47:00 2001 Canada 2533
Out of Place Renee Poisson 11:00 2001 Canada 2532
P4 Promo Reel Paul Manly 13:30 2001 Canada 2531
Jizaltus Omega Clark Nikolai 3:23 1998 Canada 2527
OIC Joel Baird 00:00 2026 2438
Women Down Prospect: Final Report Ariella Pahlke 9:00 1996 Canada 2426 i
Video is Fun! Ariella Pahlke 4:00 1997 2426 g
Day in the Life of a Parking Ticket Outlaw Ariella Pahlke 2:00 1997 2426 f
My New Roommate Ariella Pahlke 13:00 1993 Canada 2426 e
Not Tough Enough Ariella Pahlke 5:00 1994 2426 d