Video Out collection, listed by most recent date of acquisition. To search for a specific title, please go to Search Catalogue. 

TitleArtistDurationYearCountryAcc. #
Attachments Tricia Middleton (et-al) 13:30 2001 Canada 2514
Intimate Aesthetics 00:00 2026 2550
From Here to LA Tony Allard 28:00 2000 Canada 2510
View Shani Mootoo 6:45 2000 Canada 2507
I'm Telling Kim A. Hines 14:20 2000 Canada 2509
Act Your Age Meg Torwl 42:00 2009 Canada 2508
Delivery: Artist Mothers on Tape Elizabeth MacKenzie 79:00 2000 Canada 2506
The Cornman Commeth Velveeta Krisp 4:30 2000 Canada 2505
Elephantiasis Ears: Performance Documentation Tagny Duff 15:00 1998 Canada 2504
Alison Knowles Morris And Hellen Belkin Gallery (et-al) 27:00 2000 Canada 2502