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Title | Producer | Year | Accession Number | Duration |
Broken Crows | David Clark | 1992 | 2488 | 49:00 |
Bringing truth to light: a struggle for Justice in Guatamala | Eva Manly | 1998 | 2328 | 25:00 |
Breath No.5 | Keigo Yamamoto | 1981 | 1245b | 6:00 |
Breath No. 4 (a Talk) | Keigo Yamamoto | 1980 | 1045 | 9:00 |
Breath No. 3 | Keigo Yamamoto | 1980 | 1044 | 5 |
Breath | Margaret Dragu | 1985 | 1304 | 16:00 |
Brains On Toast: The Inexact Science Of Gender | Joyan Saunders | 1992 | 1858 | 26:00 |
Brain plus World | James Diamond | 2001 | 2623 | 5:50 |
Boys From Easy | Ruby Truly | 1997 | 2248 | 21:00 |
Boyfriend | Lisa G | 2006 | 2945 | 5:02 |
Boy Girl | Lorna Boschman | 1999 | 2319 | 14:00 |
Box Number | Ani Kalemkerian | 1999 | 2414 | 15:00 |
Boulevard Of Broken Sync | Winston Xin | 1996 | 2146 | 3:00 |
Born Under Surveillance | Paul Wong | 1999 | 2324 | 2:00 |
Born Again | John Mitchell | 1978 | 0672b | 8:00 |
Bootsin | Solomon Tzeggai-Teferi | 1994 | 1983b | 3:00 |
Bone Dance | Joel Baird | 1997 | 2438b | 1:28 |
Bondage Television | Stev nn Hall | 2025 | 2436 | |
Body Hair | Carla Wolf | 1989 | 1930 | 9:00 |
Body Fluid | Paul Wong | 1987 | 1492 | 22:00 |
Bodies Of Fate | Sandra Tivy | 1988 | 1744 | 15:00 |
Bodies In Trouble | Marusya Bociurkiw | 1991 | 2111 | 15:00 |
Blue Moon | Rodney Werden | 1983 | 1443 | 14:00 |
Blue Collar And Buddha | Kati Johnson | 1987 | 2041 | 57 |
Blood Risk | Michael Balser | 1989 | 1924 | 22 |
Blood | Debora O | 2003 | 2729 | 7:30 |
Blind Faith | Terry Harasym | 1986 | 1514e | 6 |
Bless You | Miriam Needoba | 2006 | 2966c | 6:00 |
Blending Milk And Water: Sex In The New World | Paul Wong | 1996 | 2155 | 28:00 |
Bleachables | Shalhevet Goldhar | 1986 | 1784 | 40:00 |
Blackout | Terence Anthony | 1995 | 2142 | 14:00 |
Black Shiny Shoes Opera | Marlene Madison | 1996 | 8:00 | |
Black in the Middle | Lisa G | 2003 | 2721d | |
Black Flag | Istvan Kantor | 1998 | 2316 | 9:00 |
Black Body | Thomas Allen Harris | 1992 | 1853 | 5:00 |
Birthday | Chris Mullington | 2018 | 1630a | 0 |
Birth of a Candybar | Henry St. Settlement | 1988 | 1825a | 35:00 |
Biological Cycle Part 5 | Kou Nakajima | 1981 | 1098b | 8:00 |
Binge | Lynn Hershman | 1987 | 1561a | 28:00 |
Big World | Ed Mowbray | 1984 | 1220 | 18:00 |
Big Wedding | Cottage Films Industry Ltd. | 1987 | 1611 | 15 |
Big Fat Slenderella | Lorna Boschman | 1993 | 1965 | 15:00 |
Beyond these Walls | Gordon Wong | 1999 | 2439 | 6:30 |
Beyond Asiaphilia | Valerie Soe | 1992 | 2245 | 14:00 |
Between The Light And The Dark | Scott Robinson | 1987 | 1529c | 5:00 |
Betty Has A Bad Hair Day | Terry Haines | 2007 | 2988 | 6:40 |
Best Of Gina | John Anderson | 1979 | 0901a | 27:00 |
Beneath The Skin | Cecelia Condit | 1981 | 1550a | 12:00 |
Being Fucked Up | Emily Vey Duke | 2001 | 2515 | 11:30 |
Behold The Promised Land | Ardele Lister | 1991 | 1921 | 23 |
Behind the Billboard on Prior Street | Michael Lithgow | 2005 | 2821 | 18:23 |
Beginner's Curse for Sluts and Psychopaths | Goody B. Wiseman | 2002 | 2619 | 2:06 |
Before the New Millenium | Lorna Boschman | 2007 | 2958 | 26:57 |
Bed of Fear | Lisa G | 2004 | 2794 | 5:25 |
Beauty Becomes the Beast | Lydia Schouten | 1985 | 1287e | 10:00 |
Bear River | Terra Poirier | 2004 | 2784 | 3:30 |
BC Hydro et ses projects du Site C et de Hat Creek | Yan Geofroy | 1981 | 1600 | 28 |
Bare | Tien | 1991 | 1833 | 15:00 |
Bardo Gap | Margaret Dragu | 1994 | 2148 | 18:00 |
Barbered | Andrew Power | 2006 | 2909 | 3:45 |
Barbara- Juan And Viet | Baruch Rafic | 1992 | 2085 | 8:00 |
Bangkok (Fighting Aids) | John Goss | 1992 | 1835 | 6:00 |
bambi/colours | Meesoo Lee | 2005 | 2975 | 4:35 |
Bad Person | Donna Szoke | 2005 | 2849 | 1:45 |
Bad Ideas for Paradise | Emily Vey Duke | 2002 | 2590 | 19:34 |
Bad Hair Day | Meesoo Lee | 2001 | 2549 | 7:20 |
Bad Boy | Velveeta Krisp | 2005 | 2876 | 4:43 |
Back Up | Margret Dragu | 1978 | 1005 | 38:00 |
Baby Eyes | Elizabeth Vander Zaag | 1983 | 1118 | 3:00 |
Baby Dolls | Rodney Werden | 1978 | 1016 | 17:00 |
B-84: Leaving The Ground | Byron Black | 1981 | 1256a | 17:00 |
Ay Sudamerica! | C.A.D.A. | 1981 | 1504f | 4:00 |
Ay De Los Vencidos | Lotty Rosenfeld | 1986 | 1504l | 2:15 |
Awakening of Elizabeth Shaw | Eva Manly | 1996 | 2174 | 25:00 |
Avalanche | Clark Nikolai | 2007 | 2987 | 5:20 |
Ava's Mountain Adventure | Robert Linsley | 2001 | 2593 | 20 |
autoscopy | Igor Santizo | 2005 | 2921 | 12:00 |
Automatopoeia | Laiwan | 2004 | 2786 | 9:00 |
Automatic Music re-edit | Meesoo Lee | 2003 | 2818 B | 3:36 |
Automatic Music | Meesoo Lee | 2003 | 2756 a | 3:45 |
Autocriticas | Marcela Serrano | 1980 | 1508e | 5:00 |
Aura | Ming-Yuen S. Ma | 1991 | 2039 | 7:00 |
Audio Performance Tours | Tagny Duff | 2001 | 2583 | 16:00 |
Attraction To Older Men (with french subtitles- for preview only) | Clark Nikolai | 2005 | 2855b | 10:00 |
Attraction To Older Men | Clark Nikolai | 2005 | 2855 | 10:00 |
Attention Public | Emily Vey Duke | 2005 | 2814 | 9:40 |
Attachments | Tricia Middleton | 2001 | 2514 | 13:30 |
Atrocities | Michelle Oleman | 2001 | 2668d | 3:30 |
Ati-Ati-Han | Marlin Oliveros | 1986 | 1489 | 8:30 |
Asteroid | Steve Paxton | 1978 | 693 | 19:00 |
Asian Boyfriend | Wayne Yung | 2006 | 2995 | 1:00 |
Ascent Of Man: Parts 1, 2 & 3 | Jayce Salloum | 1986 | 1520 | 18:30 |
Ascension | John Boehme | 1996 | 2499 | |
As The Petals Fall | Terry Ewasiuk | 1983 | 1119 | 30:00 |
As a Wife Has a Cow | Cornelia Wyngaarden | 1985 | 1382 | 40:00 |
Art vs. Art | Hummer TV | 1983 | 1147 | 60:00 |
Argentina | Daniel Dion | 1981 | 1013c | 7:00 |
Aren't You Lucky to Have Brought Your Own Chair | Margaret Scott | 1999 | 2415 | 16:00 |
Archival Moments In An Ongoing Story Of Power Relations | Leila Sujir | 1992 | 1938 | 10 |
Apartment Living & West-Nile Redux | Tricia Middleton | 2004 | 2769 | 17:00 |