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TitleDate of ProductionProducer(s)Accession NumberDescription
Titlesort iconYearProducerDurationDistribution StatusAccession Number
Asylum2008Lisa G7:00In Distribution3072
New Atlantis2008Leigh (Jen) Fisher4:32In Distribution3066
Sparklene2007Leigh (Jen) Fisher3:02In Distribution3065
Body Without Organs2008Giada Ghiringhelli14:22In Distribution3064
This is Dedicated2008Heather DiPietro7:50In Library Only3061
Easter Everywhere2008Jeremy Todd68:00In Distribution3062
I'm So Happy2008Sarah Shamash5:16In Distribution3070
The Adventure of a Photographer2008Sarah Shamash9:12In Distribution3069
Warrior2008Terry Haines6:30In Distribution3068
Up the Rabbit Hole2008Asa Mori5:00In Distribution3067
Sleeper2004Marina Roy8:05In Distribution3029
Through Another’s Lens1998Brian Kent Gotro5:02In Distribution3035
The Final Cut1999Brian Kent Gotro1:15In Distribution3036
120999041900 (the murder of god and the arrival of the human)2000Brian Kent Gotro3:10In Distribution3037
God is a Canadian2000Brian Kent Gotro1:38In Distribution3038
Crippled Communication Resolved2001Brian Kent Gotro4:23In Distribution3039
Briefcase on Fire2001Brian Kent Gotro2:50In Distribution3040
Running Toward Consequence2001Brian Kent Gotro2:41In Distribution3041
eleven2003Brian Kent Gotro6:40In Distribution3042
A 60 Second Video2003Brian Kent Gotro1:00In Distribution3043
ID Error2004Brian Kent Gotro3:44In Distribution3044
burth2004Brian Kent Gotro6:57In Distribution3045
Untitled (2 telephone messages)2004Brian Kent Gotro4:06In Distribution3046
absence presence place2004Brian Kent Gotro3:21In Distribution3047
mouth trick2004Brian Kent Gotro2:40In Distribution3048
Mood2005Brian Kent Gotro4:41In Distribution3049
00:17:06:47 > 00:00:30:002006Brian Kent Gotro0:30In Distribution3050
the notion of self (in 30 seconds)2007Brian Kent Gotro0:30In Distribution3051
BEACH2008Brian Kent Gotro3:20In Distribution3052
RESONANCE MARK2008Brian Kent Gotro3:41In Distribution3053
VIDEOtapeRBG2008Brian Kent Gotro3:15In Distribution3054
VIDEOtapeRBG2008Brian Kent Gotro3:15In Distribution3054
VIDEOtapeRBG + Owen2008Brian Kent Gotro5:15In Distribution3055
WALK2008Brian Kent Gotro1:00In Distribution3056
Incident2008Oliver Hockenhull9:16In Distribution3057
This Lane Is Our Lane2008Terry Haines6:44In Distribution3058
Cybernetic Love Triangle2008Brendan Baudat2:30In Distribution3059
Water Squatters (Thinking and Living Outside the Box)2007Leon Kaplan1:15:00In Distribution3060
Hey F*** Face2008Amber Dawn4:15In Distribution3034
Intermedia History1973Glenn Lewis30:00In Distribution1 a- b
Brian + Virginie2008Brian MacDonald3:33In Distribution3028
Apartment2004Eric Deis1:49In Distribution3027
From The Ground Up In Order, Embrace2007Nick Briz1:39In Distribution3026
GREYCON42007Brandon Blommaert6:36In Distribution3025
Checkpoint2007Alex Mah12:00In Distribution3024
ƒcoute S'il Pleut1993Zainub Verjee7:30In Distribution1967
| - +1987Lotty Rosenfeld20:00In Distribution1588
_X_ (prologue)1999laura jeanne lefave3:00In Distribution2476
[os]2007Ming-Yuen S. Ma60:00In Library Only2980
Zum Gluck Gibt's Kein Patent2025Flash & Star Funke Fiem Prod.14In Library Only1254
Zona De Dolor III1985Diamela Eltit15In Library Only1504c
Zona De Dolor II1985Diamela Eltit15In Library Only1504b
Zona De Dolor I1985Diamela Eltit5:00In Distribution1504a
Zoe's Car1986Ardele Lister6:30In Distribution1605
Zimbabwe - Part 22025Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM081
Zimbabwe - Part 12025Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM080
Zimbabwe2025Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM020
Zero To The Power1989Barbara Bourget80In Distribution1678b
Zero To The Power1989Scott Robinson80In Distribution1714b
Zapotec And Mayah Weaving1980Andrew Krumins17In Library Only0913a
Zagreb Sampler1976Sanja Ivekovik59In Library Only877
Yvonne Wanrow1978Daryl Lacey28In Library Only710
Youth Media '71 Compilation Tape1971Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM110
Yours For Abundent Health [3/3]1978Sister Theresa29In Library Only995
Yours For Abundent Health [2/3]1978Sister Theresa29In Library Only994
Yours For Abundant Health [1/3]1978Sister Theresa28In Library Only0993
Your System Stinks: A Video About Welfare Rights1989Lorna Boschman13In Distribution1693
Your Mother Wears Combat Boots1996Laurel Swenson15:00Special2178
Your High Imperial2000Kenneth Doren17:00In Distribution2579c
Your Cheatin' Heart, Part 32002Vanessa Kwan25:07In Distribution2781 d
Young People Playing/musical Sculpture/grayson1974Metro Media60In Library OnlyM161
Young and Sexy 2004Meesoo Lee9:11In Distribution2818 A
Young Adults Demo 19771977Young Adults15In Library Only659
You're Just Like a Time Machine1980Ken Kuramoto46In Library Only0888a
You Must Remember This1979marshalore27:00In Distribution0925b
You Fake2003Maureen Bradley6:13In Distribution2738
You Don't Take 'No' for an Answer...1979Michael Goldberg59In Library Only917
you don't know what love is.2001Brian MacDonaldIn Distribution2641 B
You Can't Take My Secret Away1984Stokely Seip5In Library Only1156
You (you you you)2003Meesoo Lee7:21In Distribution2735 a
YotinPimoteoQuartzDevabe2002Frederick Cummings26:29In Distribution2661
York Street Commune1973Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM131
Yoji, What's Wrong With You?1987Mako Idemitsu20:00In Distribution1462
Yoga1972Byron Black14In Library Only0004b
Yo Soy Eine Kleine Shopkeeper1993Margaret DraguIn Distribution2021
Yo No Le Tengo Miedo A Nada1984Tatiana Gaviola5:56In Distribution1505a
Yew Street2025Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM030
Yes1981Rodney Werden36:00In Distribution1020
Yellow Peril - Silence Into Silence1989L Amitie Chinoise de Montreal26In Distribution1877
Yellow Peril - Morning Zoo1989Daisy Lee25In Distribution1881
Yellow Peril - Displaced View1988Midi Onodera52In Distribution1885
Yellow Peril - Chinese Characters1986Richard Fung20In Library Only1879
Yellow Peril - Chinese Cafes In Rural Saskatchewan1985Anthony Chan26Special1878
Year Zero The Silent Death Of Cambodia1979John Pilger56In Library Only860
Year Of The Dragon1975Russell Treye27In Library Only382
Yankee Lust2006Clark Nikolai3:23In Distribution2887
Yamo Guvi Dyet1994Clark Nikolai13:07In Distribution2257g
Yah Mon1992Clark Nikolai2:04In Distribution2257c
XXXSpacejunk1996Shawn Chappelle9:00In Distribution2238f
Xenophobikk1979Scott MacEachern43In Library Only1213