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TitleDate of ProductionProducer(s)Accession NumberDescription
Titlesort iconYearProducerDurationDistribution StatusAccession Number
Michelle Cohen - Poetry2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM096
Microprocessors1975Bob Phillips60In Library Only524
Middle Child: Confessions of a Family's Home Video1989Mark Sawers20:00In Distribution1745
Middleclass Marriage1979Hank Bull16In Library Only873
Midnight Studio Rambles #1 (shorts and cuts)- 13:002003Tricia Middleton13:00In Distribution2770 a
Midnight Studio Rambles #2 (one location- one cut)2003Tricia Middleton13:00In Distribution2770 b
Midnite Concert2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM151
Mierda Los Patrones [1/3]1972Alain Ambrost20In Library Only0153
Mierda Los Patrones [2/3]1972Alain Ambrost18In Library Only154
Mierda Los Patrones [3/3]1972Alain Ambrost22In Library Only155
Mighty Fraser/electoral Reform - Under The Rug Ser2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM112
Milk on the Diningroom Floor1984Cornelia Wyngaarden20:00In Distribution1381
Milla De Cruces Sobre El Pavimento1979Lotty Rosenfeld5:00In Distribution1504h
Mime1975Peter Bertani20In Library Only463
Ming-Yuen S. Ma Compilation 1991Ming-Yuen S. Ma32:00In Library Only2277
Minnesota Citizen's Review Commission of the FBI1977moody25:00In Library Only0713
Minute Waltz1977Laurie McDonald3:00In Distribution1095b
Miracle1995Joel Baird2:45In Distribution2438c
Miracles on 163rd2001Ho Tam25:00In Distribution2621c
Mirror, Mirror1987Paula Levine3:00In Distribution1479
Miscellaneous Collage1973Norman Gould30In Library Only381
Miss Chinatown1997Paul Wong4:30In Distribution2214
Miss Edmonton Teenburger 1983 in: It's Party Time!2001Amy Lockhart17:00In Distribution2646
Miss Edmonton teenburger 1983 in: You're Eternal2002Amy Lockhart7:00In Distribution2647
Miss General Idea1974Western Front Video30In Library Only194
Miss Popularity2006Wayne Yung6:20In Distribution2893
Mississippi Tapes - Episodes 1 And 21983Jane Wright60In Library Only1130
Mississippi Tapes - Episodes 3 And 41983Jane Wright60In Library Only1131
Mississippi Tapes - Episodes 5 And 61983Jane Wright60In Library Only1132
Mmmmmm1981Anne Ramsden21:00In Distribution1032a
Mobility1972Bob Phillips23In Library Only0023
Moderately Paced Video2000Emily Vey Duke17:00In Distribution2461
Mold Grows On Baby1988Shalhevet Goldhar50:00In Distribution1783
Mom On the Skytrain2004Nimi Langer8:30In Distribution2795
Mom- I Think I'm...1995Anna Malkin10:00In Distribution2164
Moment I Spoke1989Melodie Calvert6:00In Distribution1841b
Mon Coeur la Pompe de Sang2005Clark Nikolai1:35In Distribution2813 A
Mona Lisa1975Toshio Matsumoto23In Library Only484
Mondo Arte Cabaret1979Hank Bull30In Library Only862
Money Talks - Bullshit Walks1986Rodney Werden36:00In Distribution1445
Monkey2002Joe Sarahan5:30In Distribution2615
Monodramas1991Stan Douglas10:00Special2092
Monodramas: Disagree1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092h
Monodramas: Encampment1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092j
Monodramas: Eye On You1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092b
Monodramas: Guilty 1 (hiro)1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092e
Monodramas: Guilty 2 (jennifer)1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092g
Monodramas: Guilty 3 (billy)1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092i
Monodramas: I'm Not Gary1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092c
Monodramas: Stadium1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092j
Monodramas: Up1991Stan DouglasSpecial2092f
Monologue Series2001Kim Dawn45:00In Distribution2671
Monster1982Videoladen45In Library Only1321
Montgomery - Hyde Park1973Kim Block26:00In Library Only0135
Montparnasse 0012007Stuart Pound3:14In Distribution2928 b
Monty Python2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM200
Monty Python2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM217
Monty Python Series2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM071
Monty Python Series2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM072
Monty Python Series2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM073
Monty Python Series2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM074
Monty Python Series2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM075
Monty Python Series2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM076
Monty Python Series2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM077
Moon's New Fury1985Paula Levine11In Distribution1353
Moonshot2004Meesoo Lee4:34In Distribution2798 A
Moonwalk Synthesized1973Jack Buchans30In Library Only0407
More Cleaning and Loving It2002Margaret Dragu13:00In Distribution2640
More Home Some1991Pia Massie26:30In Distribution1989
More Than A Paycheque: Health And Poverty In East Vancouver1985Harris Taylor29:00In Distribution1415
More Than Hair Care Products2004Pendra Wilson13:30In Distribution2771
More Than I Can Say2004Meesoo Lee6:40In Distribution2764
Morgentaler On Abortion1974Stuart Cryer12In Library Only619
Morning1980Karen Helmerson4:00In Distribution0962b
Moscow Does Not Believe in Queers1986John Greyson27:00In Distribution1446
Most Glorious Salvation of a Corporate Icon1992Sheila Urbanoski3:30In Distribution2182
Mother Makes Father Cuts A Simple Thread1983Dimitrije Martinovic12In Library Only1260e
Mother May I?1987Jeanette Reinhardt13:00In Distribution1493
Mother Of The Waters1988Elisa Tesser30In Library OnlyW0032
Mother's Son2003Sarah Butterfield25:30In Distribution2705
Mother- Father- Son 2004Oliver Hockenhull3:00In Distribution2753
Mother/Land2000Ming-Yuen S. Ma25:00In Library Only2979
Motherfuckers1995Laurel Swenson4:00Special2159
Mothers Are Working People1973National Film Board6:00In Library Only0193
Mothers Day 19801980Amelia Productions30In Library Only0941
Mount Pleasant - A Changing Neighborhood2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM059
Mount Pleasant Fairview Visuals2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM039
Mount Pleasant: A Changing Neighborhood1973Elizabeth Walker15In Library Only0027
Mountain Dance Company1979Janet Miller43In Library Only931
Mountain Dance Company [1/3]1979Janet Miller30In Library Only789
Mountain Dance Company [2/3]1979Janet Miller9In Library Only790
Mountain Dance Company [3/3]1979Janet Miller12In Library Only791
movements2007Stephanie Loveless3:20In Distribution2949
Movements East-West2003Ming-Yuen S. Ma17:00In Library Only2978
Moving Images Vs Stills1977Teri Chmilar2In Library Only0949d
Moving Sculpture Co.1978Evelyn Roth28In Library Only930
Mrs. Allende At S.f.u.2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM116
Mt. Baker Compilation1997Robert Linsley1:15:In Library Only2595
Mubarakah1994Cherie Moses24:00In Distribution1987
Mudflats1973June Boe14In Library Only119