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TitleDate of ProductionProducer(s)Accession NumberDescription
TitleYearsort iconProducerDurationDistribution StatusAccession Number
Incident on Ballantyne Pier2000Elana Herman (Lupis)19:19In Distribution2496
Appropriate behaviors2000In Library Only2497
Atmosphere2000In Library Only2498
Alison Knowles2000Morris And Hellen Belkin Gallery27:00In Distribution2502
Objects Are Larger than they Appear (SC)2000Shawn Chappelle7:00Special2503
The Cornman Commeth2000Velveeta Krisp4:30In Distribution2505
Delivery: Artist Mothers on Tape2000Elizabeth MacKenzie79In Distribution2506
I'm Telling2000Kim A. Hines14:20In Distribution2509
View2000Shani Mootoo6:45In Distribution2507
From Here to LA2000Tony Allard28In Distribution2510
where have all the lesbians gone?2000Meg Torwl7:20In Distribution2517
Queer Things I Hate about You2000Nickolaos Stagias4:36In Distribution2518a
File this... Greatest Hits2000Gloria Orangeena Hole54In Distribution2519
Easy2000Nickolaos Stagias13:51In Distribution2521
Just My Hat2000Sydney Hermant4:00In Distribution2522
7 Works2000Mark CurryIn Distribution2523 a-b
Body Burden2000France Queyras16:00Special2530
100 Greatest Books of All Time2000Maija Martin11:10In Distribution2534
Keeping Her Cool2000Goody B. Wiseman3:41In Distribution2542
Fucked In the Face2000Shawn Durr70:00In Distribution2544
The Strange and Terrible Fate of Sir Robert Scott2000Nicholas Johnson18In Distribution2562
Your High Imperial2000Kenneth Doren17:00In Distribution2579c
For the Love of All at Once- Take me Now2000Kenneth Doren10:00In Distribution2579d
Field Guide to Western Wildflowers (German Subtitles)2000Wayne Yung5:30In Distribution2292e
Objects Are Larger than they Appear (HF)2000Heather Frise7:00Special2503
Spit2000Jeremy Drummond2:27In Library Only2637a
Adventures of A.D.D. Girl2000Terra Poirier4:00In Distribution2674
Pirated!2000Nguyen Tan Hoang11:00In Distribution2690 U
Crimson2000Gino T.4:00In Distribution2690
Cover Girl: A Gift from God2000Nguyen Tan Hoang18:00In Distribution2690W
The Calling2000Nguyen Tan Hoang8:00In Distribution2690x
Toni Latour: Selected Video Work2000Toni Latour30:00In Library Only2706
Thank You Kate Bornstein2000Mark Kenneth Woods3:20In Distribution2742
Vexation Island2000Kiley Fithen6:00In Distribution2768 b
Crimson (NH)2000Nguyen Tan Hoang4:00In Distribution2690V
From the Inside/OUT!2000Persimmon Blackbridge25:00In Library Only2941
Mother/Land2000Ming-Yuen S. Ma25:00In Library Only2979
2003 Meesoo Lee Compilation2025Meesoo Lee35:00In Distribution2726
Larry's Leap Daycare2001Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM244
Candie Tanaka Compilation2001Candie TanakaIn Library Only2361
Attachments2001Tricia Middleton13:30In Distribution2514
Being Fucked Up2001Emily Vey Duke11:30In Distribution2515
Lakme Takes Flight2001Sheila James12:00In Distribution2520
Homeless in II Parts2001Annthea WhittakerIn Distribution2526
P4 Promo Reel2001Paul Manly13:30In Distribution2531
Out of Place2001Renee Poisson11:00In Distribution2532
Antarctica2001Meesoo Lee47:00In Distribution2533
Chosen Family2001Maureen Bradley13:00In Distribution2537
Photographer's Diary2001Wayne Yung26:00In Distribution2538
Variations on a Polypropylene Wrapper2001Tricia Middleton5In Distribution2539
Watching Lesbian Porn2001Dayna McLeod10:30In Distribution2540b
Dream of Barbella2001Jay GriggsIn Distribution2541
Untitled (DC)2001Dana Claxton8:00In Distribution2545
Upgrade Beta Version 1.12001Paul Manly4:00In Distribution2546
Ciao Ciao2001Michelle Irving5:30In Distribution2547
An Atlas of the Moon2001Wayne Yung4:38In Distribution2572
Chopstick Bloody Chopstick2001Wayne Yung14:16In Distribution2572
Bad Hair Day2001Meesoo Lee7:20In Distribution2549
People Dance2001Dana Claxton24In Distribution2554
Shame on You2001Elana Herman (Lupis)11In Distribution2555
My Sweet Prince Charming2001Lisa G4:55Special2559
Three Things My Mother Never Told Me2001Lisa G5:27Special2560
Queer Things I hate About You 2001Nickolaos Stagias5In Distribution2518b
Femme2001Nickolaos Stagias4:30In Distribution2563
Suspects (Performance for the Police)2001Artspeak Gallery26:38In Distribution2564
Cats Vs. Alarm Clocks2001A.J. Brown9:00In Distribution2565
Untitled (MB)2001Maureen Bradley2:37In Distribution2566
Gender Line2001WG Burnham13:13In Distribution2568
Tricia Middleton and Joel Taylor Compilation2001Tricia Middleton27:00In Distribution2569
Theme Song II2001Tricia Middleton3:30In Distribution2570
On the Romance Tip2001Tricia Middleton3In Distribution2571
With Six You Get Eggroll2001Wayne Yung99In Distribution2572
Ava's Mountain Adventure2001Robert Linsley20In Distribution2593
Thinking of You2001WG Burnham9:30In Distribution2574
How to Make Love in an Earthquake2001Donna Szoke5:57In Distribution2575
Crusading2001Kenneth Doren6:00In Distribution2579a
Homage Medulla-Oblongata2001Kenneth Doren11:00In Distribution2579b
Fall2001Earl Moloney (Karen Earl)3:00In Distribution2580
Dildo Goes Home2001Lynne Kamm13:38In Distribution2581
Shui2001Clark Nikolai4:29In Distribution2582
Audio Performance Tours2001Tagny Duff16:00In Distribution2583
Videos for Limousines2001Jonathan Wells17:00In Library Only2584
NY Princess2001Carol Demech13:30In Distribution2585
Crushed2001Meesoo LeeIn Distribution2586
Natalie of Wood2001Shawn Chappelle2:45In Distribution2587
Strange Animals2001Emily Vey Duke10:00In Library Only2588
Theft of the Agony of St. Pengui2001Nikola Marin9:00Special2592b
Take Back the Night2001Nikola Marin10:00Special2592a
Anhedonia2001TJ Cuthand9:00In Distribution2602
Native Youth Movement: Vancouver Chapter2001Nitanis Desjarlais49:00In Distribution2589
Diaper Boy2001Frederick CummingsIn Distribution2616b
Ho Tam 2001 Compilation2001Ho Tam45:00In Distribution2621a-d
Bus No. 72001Ho Tam3:00In Distribution2621a
My Memories of Me2001Ho Tam3:00In Distribution2621b
Miracles on 163rd2001Ho Tam25:00In Distribution2621c
The Loop2001Ho Tam14:00In Distribution2621d
Untitled Part 1: Everything and Nothing2001Jayce Salloum40:40In Distribution2622
Brain plus World2001James Diamond5:50In Distribution2623
Storage Room2001Jeremy Drummond2:50In Library Only2637d
Untitled (JD)2001Jeremy Drummond5:45In Library Only2637f